Welcome to Oxalate Testing
Why Oxalate Testing?
We believe oxalates are the leading cause of almost any chronic disease condition in man, including heart attacks, arthritis, and any other organ pathology known to man.
Unfortunately it goes unnoticed because oxalate is a very small molecule slightly larger than a water molecule, which can dissolve in water so goes in and out of it's crystalline state depending on the cation (e.g. sodium or calcium) it binds with, so often missed on traditional laboratory testing.
How Do I Test If I Have Excess Oxalates In My Body?
Usually when there are an excess of oxalates in the body, they are shed through the skin and eyes, if you are aware of them, you can feel them as small crystals coming out of your skin, and often eyes, for example when you wake up in the morning.
So we suggest you take any of these crystals that you can scrape off your skin or from your eyes, and put them into an envelope, and send them to us, along with your email address inside the envelope. Only a few crystals required for testing.
Our address is:
OxalateTest.com c/o Dr. Gary Kramer M.D.
11692 Darlington Ave #PH2
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Once we receive your envelope, we will email you that we have received it, and send you an email invoice through PayPal, the cost is $30.00.
Once the Paypal invoice is paid, we will perform the test on the skin and eye scraping you have sent us, and email you the result.
Thanks for your interest in OxalateTest.com, knowing what is happening with your oxalates could be a huge step in being healthy in your life.
If confirmed for oxalate excess, we can recommend oxalate management protocols and product.
If you have any further questions, please email us at: